
    世界品牌中国尊龙时凯人生就是搏 World Brand, Lopal China

    2017年,尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技正式登陆上海交易所,成为A股主板上市汽车精细化学品企业,并于2024年成功入驻香港交易所,成为A+H股两地上市的新能源科技企业。(简称:尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技  代码:603906.SH / 2465.HK)
    In 2003, Lopal Tech. was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu.
    In 2017, Lopal Tech. officially landed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and became an A-share listed automotive fine chemicals enterprise. In 2024, it successfully entered the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and became a new energy technology enterprise listed on both A+H shares. (Stock abbreviation: Lopal Tech Stock code: 603906.SH/2465. HK)
    Nowadays, Lopal has grown into an international enterprise group with green new energy core materials as its main business sector

    Wholly-owned Subsidiaries, Holding Companies And Shareholding Companies





    Automotive Environmental Protection Fine Chemicals Industry

    Jiangsu Lopal Tech. Co., Ltd
    Lopal Lubrication New Material (Tianiin) Co., Ltd
    Kelas Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
    Sichuan Kelas Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
    Shandong Kelas Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
    Hubei Kelas Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd
    Jiangsu Lopal Green Energy Co., Ltd
    Nanjing 3E Care Technology Co., Ltd
    Nanjing Gracious Plastics Co., Ltd.
    Jiangsu Ruili Feng New Energy Technology Co., Ltd
    Zhangjiagang TEEC Automotive Chemicals Co., Ltd
    Jiangsu Lopal New Material Tech. Co., Ltd

    Hydrogen Energy Industry

    Jiangsu Tianlan Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd
    Jiangsu Platinum Source Catalytic Technology Co., Ltd





    Lithium Battery Industry

    Changzhou LBM New Energy Technology Co., Ltd
    BTR (Tianjin) Nanomaterial Manufacturing Co., Ltd
    Jiangsu BTR Nanotechnology Co., Ltd
    Sichuan LBM New Energy Tech. Co., Ltd
    Shandong LBM Tech. Co., Ltd
    Hubei LBM New Energy Tech. Co., Ltd
    Nanjing LBM Nano Tech. Co., Ltd
    LBM (Shenzhen) Scientific Research Co., Ltd
    LBM New Energy (AP) Pte Ltd
    LBM New Energy (Singapore) Pte Ltd
    LBM New Energy (Indonesia) Pte Ltd
    Jiangsu Sanjin Lithium Battery Technology Co., Ltd
    Yichun Lopal Era Lithium Technology Co., Ltd
    Hubei Fengli New Energy Technology Co., Ltd

    Biotechnology Industry

    Hubei Lvgal Biotechnology Co., Ltd
    Jiangsu Lvgal Biotechnology Co., Ltd

    发展历程 Milestones

    主营产业及进军时间 Main Industry and Entry Time

    扩张及建设 Expansion and Construction

    2024年 2024


    2023年 2023

    投资进军钠电材料研发产业 Investing in the R&D industry of sodium electrical materials

    2022年 2022

    投资三元正极前驱体产业 Investment in the ternary cathode precursor industry

    2022年 2022

    营销数字化体系完成 Completion of marketing digital system

    2022年 2022

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技研发(江苏)有限公司成立 Lopal Tech. R&D (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Established

    2021年 2021

    子公司获得宁德时代投资 Subsidiary obtained investment from CATL.

    2021年 2021

    四川、山东生产基地投产 Production bases in Sichuan and Shandong are put into operation

    2021年 2021

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技收购贝特瑞旗下正极材料板块 Lopal Tech. acquires the positive electrode material sector under BTR.

    2020年 2020

    天津基地二期竣工三期开工 Tianjin Base Phase II Completed and Phase III Started

    2020年 2020

    江苏尊龙时凯人生就是搏氢能源科技有限公司成立 Jiangsu Lopal Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Established

    2020年 2020

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技商学院成立 Lopal University of Science and Technology Established

    2020年 2020

    四川锂源新材料有限公司成立 Sichuan LBM New Materials Co., Ltd. Established

    2020年 2020

    四川基地开工 Preparations for Sichuan Base started

    2020年 2020

    溧水基地二期开工 The Phase II of Lishui Base commenced

    2018年 2018

    启动数字化工厂项目 The digital factory project was launched

    2017年 2017

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技A股上市 Lopal Tech became an A-share listed company

    2013年 2013

    天津基地一期开工 Tianjin Base commenced

    2006年 2006

    荣获ISO14001环境体系认证 Lopal won the ISO 14001 environment system certification

    2006年 2006

    荣获国家CNAS认证 Lopal won national CNAS certification

    2003年 2003

    新港基地建成 The Phase I of Xingang Base commenced

    2003年 2003

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技成立 Lopal Tech was founded

    品牌及营销 Branding and Marketing

    2023年 2023

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏新能源专用低电导率冷却液E81系列发布 Lopal New Energy Special Low Conductivity Coolant E81 Series Released.

    2023年 2023

    中国尊龙时凯人生就是搏20年,世界品牌正青春创新发展大会圆满召开 China Lopal 20 Years, World Brand Youth Innovation and Development Conference Successfully Convened.

    2023年 2023

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技发布”北斗七星”核心价值观 Lopal Tech. Releases the Core Values of Big Dipper Seven Stars.

    2022年 2022

    发布“绿色新能源与绿色新材料专家” 品牌战略 Release the brand strategy of Expert in Green New Energy and Green New Materials.

    2022年 2022

    启动新一轮全国霸屏行动广告投放 Launch a new round of national screen dominance campaign advertising placement.

    2022年 2022

    发布“铁锂1号”超级磷酸铁锂高端产品 Release of Iron Lithium 1 Super Lithium Iron Phosphate High end Product.

    2021年 2021

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏&可兰素持续扩大高炮、高铁、央视等广告宣传 Lopal & Kelas continue to expand advertising and promotion in areas such as anti-aircraft guns, high-speed rail, and CCTV.

    2021年 2021

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技发布碳中和战略声明 Lopal Tech. releases a carbon neutrality strategy statement.

    2020年 2020

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏启动高炮、高铁、央视等大力度广告投放 Lopal strengthened advertisements on billboards, high-speed railway, CCTV, etc.

    2020年 2020

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏正式发布“尊龙时凯人生就是搏1号”API SP更高端的润滑油 Lopal officially launched advanced Lopal 1 API SP oil

    2020年 2020

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏正式发布"世界品牌中国尊龙时凯人生就是搏”全球新口号 Lopal unveiled its new global slogan, "World Brand, Lopal China"

    2019年 2019

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏旗下全球产品Trisonic™全球发布 Lopal's product "Trisonic™" was launched globally

    2017年 2017

    首届"尊龙时凯人生就是搏杯”世界十佳变速器评选启动 The first "Lopal Cup" World Top 10 Transmission was launched

    2016年 2016

    举办"攀越天路”第三季质量验证活动 The "Climbing the Sky Road" activity was held

    2015年 2015

    举办“跨越火焰山”第二季质量验证活动 The "Crossing Flaming Mountains" activity was held

    2015年 2015

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏勇夺天猫平台润滑油品类销售第一 Lopal took first place in the sales volume of lubricating oil on Tmall

    2014年 2014

    举办“飞跃冰河” 第一季质量验证活动 The "Flying Over the Freezing River" activity was held

    2014年 2014

    Integer公司发布报告,可兰素中国市场占有率第一 Integer released a report, showing that Kelas took the largest share in China in its industry

    2010年 2010

    荣获江苏省名牌产品称号 Lopal won the title of "Famous-brand Product in Jiangsu Province"

    2010年 2010

    科普著作《润滑一点通》出版 The popular science book Knowledge of Lubricating Oil was published

    2008年 2008

    加入联合国“全球契约”组织 Lopal joined the United Nations Global Compact

    2004年 2004

    荣获南京市著名商标 Lopal was awarded the Famous Trademark of Nanjing

    主营产业及进军时间 Main Industry and Entry Time

    扩张及建设 Expansion and Construction

    2023年 2023

    投资进军钠电材料研发产业 Investing in the R&D industry of sodium electrical materials

    2022年 2022

    营销数字化体系完成 Completion of marketing digital system

    2021年 2021

    子公司获得宁德时代投资 Subsidiary obtained investment from CATL.

    2021年 2021

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技收购贝特瑞旗下正极材料板块 Lopal Tech. acquires the positive electrode material sector under BTR.

    2020年 2020

    江苏尊龙时凯人生就是搏氢能源科技有限公司成立 Jiangsu Lopal Hydrogen Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Established

    2020年 2020

    四川锂源新材料有限公司成立 Sichuan LBM New Materials Co., Ltd. Established

    2020年 2020

    溧水基地二期开工 The Phase II of Lishui Base commenced

    2017年 2017

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技A股上市 Lopal Tech became an A-share listed company

    2006年 2006

    荣获ISO14001环境体系认证 Lopal won the ISO 14001 environment system certification

    2003年 2003

    新港基地建成 The Phase I of Xingang Base commenced

    2024年 2024


    2022年 2022

    投资三元正极前驱体产业 Investment in the ternary cathode precursor industry

    2022年 2022

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技研发(江苏)有限公司成立 Lopal Tech. R&D (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. Established

    2021年 2021

    四川、山东生产基地投产 Production bases in Sichuan and Shandong are put into operation

    2020年 2020

    天津基地二期竣工三期开工 Tianjin Base Phase II Completed and Phase III Started

    2020年 2020

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技商学院成立 Lopal University of Science and Technology Established

    2020年 2020

    四川基地开工 Preparations for Sichuan Base started

    2018年 2018

    启动数字化工厂项目 The digital factory project was launched

    2013年 2013

    天津基地一期开工 Tianjin Base commenced

    2006年 2006

    荣获国家CNAS认证 Lopal won national CNAS certification

    2003年 2003

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技成立 Lopal Tech was founded

    品牌及营销 Branding and Marketing

    2023年 2023

    中国尊龙时凯人生就是搏20年,世界品牌正青春创新发展大会圆满召开 China Lopal 20 Years, World Brand Youth Innovation and Development Conference Successfully Convened.

    2022年 2022

    发布“绿色新能源与绿色新材料专家” 品牌战略 Release the brand strategy of Expert in Green New Energy and Green New Materials.

    2022年 2022

    发布“铁锂1号”超级磷酸铁锂高端产品 Release of Iron Lithium 1 Super Lithium Iron Phosphate High end Product.

    2021年 2021

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技发布碳中和战略声明 Lopal Tech. releases a carbon neutrality strategy statement.

    2020年 2020

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏正式发布“尊龙时凯人生就是搏1号”API SP更高端的润滑油 Lopal officially launched advanced Lopal 1 API SP oil

    2019年 2019

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏旗下全球产品Trisonic™全球发布 Lopal's product "Trisonic™" was launched globally

    2016年 2016

    举办"攀越天路”第三季质量验证活动 The "Climbing the Sky Road" activity was held

    2015年 2015

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏勇夺天猫平台润滑油品类销售第一 Lopal took first place in the sales volume of lubricating oil on Tmall

    2014年 2014

    Integer公司发布报告,可兰素中国市场占有率第一 Integer released a report, showing that Kelas took the largest share in China in its industry

    2010年 2010

    科普著作《润滑一点通》出版 The popular science book Knowledge of Lubricating Oil was published

    2004年 2004

    荣获南京市著名商标 Lopal was awarded the Famous Trademark of Nanjing

    2023年 2023

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏新能源专用低电导率冷却液E81系列发布 Lopal New Energy Special Low Conductivity Coolant E81 Series Released.

    2023年 2023

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技发布”北斗七星”核心价值观 Lopal Tech. Releases the Core Values of Big Dipper Seven Stars.

    2022年 2022

    启动新一轮全国霸屏行动广告投放 Launch a new round of national screen dominance campaign advertising placement.

    2021年 2021

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏&可兰素持续扩大高炮、高铁、央视等广告宣传 Lopal & Kelas continue to expand advertising and promotion in areas such as anti-aircraft guns, high-speed rail, and CCTV.

    2020年 2020

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏启动高炮、高铁、央视等大力度广告投放 Lopal strengthened advertisements on billboards, high-speed railway, CCTV, etc.

    2020年 2020

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏正式发布"世界品牌中国尊龙时凯人生就是搏”全球新口号 Lopal unveiled its new global slogan, "World Brand, Lopal China"

    2017年 2017

    首届"尊龙时凯人生就是搏杯”世界十佳变速器评选启动 The first "Lopal Cup" World Top 10 Transmission was launched

    2015年 2015

    举办“跨越火焰山”第二季质量验证活动 The "Crossing Flaming Mountains" activity was held

    2014年 2014

    举办“飞跃冰河” 第一季质量验证活动 The "Flying Over the Freezing River" activity was held

    2010年 2010

    荣获江苏省名牌产品称号 Lopal won the title of "Famous-brand Product in Jiangsu Province"

    2008年 2008

    加入联合国“全球契约”组织 Lopal joined the United Nations Global Compact

    先进的智能智造基地 Advanced intelligent manufacturing base
    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技在全球拥有十余座智慧生产基地。 其中,在江西宜春拥有与宁德时代合资建设的碳酸锂生产基地;在四川遂宁、湖北襄阳、山东菏泽拥有国内技术领先的磷酸铁锂正极材料生产基地; 在南京溧水拥有全球领先的车用尿素溶液生产基地;在天津滨海拥有国内为数不多的海港型润滑油仓储、生产、 贸易一条龙基地;在印尼拥有建设中的磷酸铁锂海外工厂。
    Lopal Tech. has over ten smart production bases worldwide. Among them, there is a lithium carbonate production base jointly built with CATL in Yichun, Jiangxi. We have domestically leading production bases for lithium iron phosphate cathode materials in Suining, Sichuan, Xiangyang, Hubei, and Heze, Shandong. We have a globally leading production base for AdBlue in Lishui, Nanjing. Having one of the few domestic port type lubricant storage, production, and trade one-stop bases in Tianjin Binhai. We have a lithium iron phosphate overseas factory under construction in Indonesia.
    Each Lopal Tech. Industrial Park has authoritative certification for various production and operation systems, and has introduced the Industry 4.0 intelligent manufacturing system, which can achieve intelligent manufacturing, intelligent monitoring, intelligent management, and promote comprehensive upgrades in production efficiency, product quality, management level, and service quality.


    SGS ISO14064 SGS ISO14064

    MIIT Issued: lntegration of Informationization and Industrialization Management System Certificate

    IATF16949 IATF16949

    ISO 9001 ISO 9001

    ISO 14001 ISO 14001

    ISO 45001 ISO 45001

    智能生产基地整体布局图 Intelligent Production Base Layout









    Nanjing Xingang Base

    Nanjing Lishui Base
    AdBlue, Automotive Maintenance Products, New Plastic Materials

    Tianjin Binhai Base
    Lubricants, AdBlue, New Plastic Materials

    Hubei Xiangyang Base
    Lithium ion materials, Adblue, Automotive Maintenance Products, New Plastic Materials, Disinfection And Sterilization, Other Biotechnology Projects

    Sichuan Suining Base
    Lithium Battery Materials, Coolant, Adblue, New Plastic Materials

    Heze Base, Shandong Province
    Adblue, Automotive Maintenance Products, New Plastic Materials, Iron Phosphate Projects, Lithium Battery Materials

    Tianjin and Changzhou Lithium Battery Production Bases
    Lithium Battery Materials

    Zhangjiagang Base in Jiangsu (Under Construction)
    Solid state battery core material

    Southeast Asia Indonesia Production Base
    Lithium Battery Materials

    多元化的创新研发能力 Diversified Innovation and R&D Ability

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技研究院总部占地14000平米,下设润滑、化学品、锂电材料、新材料和前瞻科技五大研发分部 由数十位博士后、博士、硕士组成的研发团队,分别开展多项专题研究。并且联合行业泰斗级专家,打造尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技专家团,对研究院各项课题进行指导和协助,持续对先进科研成果进行快速、有效、高水平转化。 The headquarters of Lopal Tech. Research Institute covers an area of 14,000 square meters, with five research and development branches including lubrication, chemicals, lithium-ion materials, new materials, and forward-looking technology. A research and development team consisting of dozens of postdoctoral, doctoral, and master's students has conducted multiple thematic studies. And we will collaborate with industry experts to create a Lopal Tech. expert team, providing guidance and assistance to various research topics of the research institute, and continuously transforming advanced scientific research achievements quickly, effectively, and at a high level.

    Lopal Tech. Research Institute has an advanced
    automotive chemical testing and evaluation platform

    符合ISO/IEC 17025标准,实验室能力通过中国实验室国家合格评定委员会(CNAS)认可,可对外承接各种化学品和新材料的检测服务。 Compliant with the ISO/IEC 17025 standard, the laboratory capability has been recognized by the China National Accreditation Service for Laboratories (CNAS), and can undertake testing services for various chemicals and new materials externally.

    锂源锂电材料研究院 LBM Research Institute

    锂源锂电材料研究院专注于锂离子电池正极材料磷酸铁锂以及未来新材料的研发。 配套多条小试线和中试线,结合锂源各生产基地,可实现新材料从研发到产线的全流程。 LBM Research Institute focuses on the research and development of lithium iron phosphate as the cathode material of lithium ion batteries and new materials in the future. Equipped with multiple small and medium-sized trial lines, combined with various lithium source production bases, the entire process from research and development to production line of new materials can be achieved.

    全球化的技术合作 Global Technological Cooperation
    It has carried out in-depth cooperation with Nanjing University, Hunan University,
    Bielefeld University of Germany, Southwest Research Institute of the United States,
    Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other well-known domestic and international institutions,
    and continued to create industry-leading advanced technologies and products.

    江苏省认定企业技术中心 Jiangsu Certified Enterprise's Technical Center

    与多所高校、企业建立联合实验室 Establish joint laboratories with many universities and enterprises

    南京市工程技术研究中心 Nanjing Engineering Technology Research Center

    与美国西南研究院开展专项技术合作 Special technical cooperation with the Southwest Research Institute of the United States

    与中科院大连化物所建立联合实验室 Established a joint laboratory with Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Lopal's products have been certified by mainstream institutions such as the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), by more than 30 major international manufacturers including Porsche, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, MAN, and Cummins, and by over 50 major domestic manufacturers.

    美国石油学会 American Petroleum Association

    欧洲汽车制造协会 European Association of automobile manufacturers

    ILSAC International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee

    日本润滑油协会 Japan lubricating oil Association

    美国汽车工程师学会 Society of Automotive Engineers

    美国材料与试验协会 American Society for testing and materials

    德国技术检验协会 German Technical Inspection Association

    欧盟CE认证 EU CE certification

    多个社会荣誉 Several Honors

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏科技先后荣获 Lopal Tech has won dozens of important honors,

    China Famous Trademark
    Jiangsu Province Quality Award
    Nanjing Mayor's Quality Award
    High Tech Enterprises
    Jiangsu Province Specialized, Refined, Unique and New Small and Medium sized Enterprises
    Jiangsu Province Recognized Enterprise Technology Center
    Jiangsu Lubricant Engineering Technology Research Center
    Jiangsu Province Intelligent Demonstration Factory
    Jiangsu Engineering Research Center
    Jiangsu Province Civilized Enterprise
    etc. dozens of important social honors

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏文化 Lopal Culture

    企业文化 Corporate Culture

    尊龙时凯人生就是搏梦 Lopal Dream

    Realize the new era and dream of Lopal Tech. from greatness to excellence,
    from excellence to everlasting foundation

    企业愿景 Vision

    成为全球第一的绿色新能源核心材料国际集团 Become the world's No.1 international group of environment-friendly new energy core materials.

    企业使命 Mission

    用绿色新能源核心材料共建全球美好生活 Build a better life around the world with environment-friendly new energy core materials.

    集团定位 Group Positioning

    全球绿色新能源核心材料领导者 Global Leader In Green New Energy Core Materials

    核心价值观 Core Values

    面向全球 干第一 Facing the world, To be No. 1

    企业口号 Enterprise Slogan

    世界品牌 中国尊龙时凯人生就是搏 World Brand China Lopal

    情感定位 Emotion Positioning

    中国好 我们才好 Better China, Better Lopal

    文化活动 Cultural Activities